Review: Paintball with Dragons by Hope Bollinger


The next release to drop from Chicken Scratch Books is another by Hope Bollinger. You may remember her as the author of The Cassandra Curse. I just finished the ARC (it comes out next month), and I bawled my eyes out. I cry easily, especially when I find something deeply moving, so the fact I cried means something was moving rather than sad. I really enjoyed it.

The title is Paintball with Dragons. In spite of the fun the title, there is quite a bit of seriousness in this book. A lot of people in the story, especially the main character and his family, are dealing with grief.

Things I love

I love most of the dragons (although one or two creeped me out a little, but those were on page only for a moment). I especially loved the main dragon. I want one.

The characters were really great, multi-dimensional characters–no bad guys, although there is a school bully but not an over-the-top bully.

It mentions that grief doesn’t happen in convenient stages, which I appreciated.

The characters are Christians and go to a Christian school, but they are real people. They don’t Bible thump, nobody preaches at anybody, nobody quotes Bible verses. Not that those things are necessarily a problem in a book, but it’s really nice to read a book about Christians who are realistic and just living life.

I loved how normal private school and homeschooling were and how the story didn’t make a big deal out of either. (Although the way it sounded like homeschooling is a student doing all their school at a co-op was a little weird.)

Things I didn’t love

The dragons never actually played paintball. 😦 They did have a water balloon fight, though. 😀

Parts of the writing style aren’t my favorite, but I recognize that it’s a style and not an error. I’m just not a fan of some current styles of writing. I still enjoyed the book.

It felt a little weird that dragons were in a book with Christian characters because I always feel a bit weird with mixing fantasy with God. However, it was done really well, so I don’t think it actually bothered me.

Parental Concerns

I really can’t think of anything that would be objectionable, although every family is different. Because the story deals with grief, it might not be for everyone/young kids/sensitive readers.

The main characters are Christians and go to a Christian school, but this book fits with Chicken Scratch’s “no agenda” model. The characters are just real people, and there is no preachiness. It’s just the kind of book I wished I could find when I was a kid, where the characters are Christians but the book isn’t about Christianity.

You can pre-order Paintball with Dragons now!

I received an advance reader copy, but as in all my reviews, this review is my own opinion.

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About Me

I have always loved writing stories, but I was surprised as an adult to learn I love teaching as well. I hold a B.A. in Digital Writing and an M.F.A in Writing for Children and Young Adults. Fantasy has always been my first love in literature. Superheroes and science fiction also hold a special place in my heart. My favorite audience is middle grade readers, but I enjoy young adult fiction as well.


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